Food Security & Nutrition


Climate Change & Resilience

Strategic Objective 5: Facilitate food security and nutrition is available, accessible, and sufficient to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life for resource poor households.

Strategic Outcome 5: Federal, State and Local actors have strengthened capacity to manage food security and nutrition programmes in line with national targets in the short, medium, and long term.

NABG will support the GoN in effectively managing food safety and quality as a key factor to safeguarding the health of people, as well as enabling greater access to domestic, regional, and international markets. NABG will consolidate partnerships to enhance national and state-level emergency preparedness and response systems, including in food security and nutrition assessment and monitoring, early warning, protection, gender analysis, safety nets, and supply chains. In addition, national and state actors will benefit from skill and knowledge transfer in the areas of food quality and safety control, food standardization systems, food fortification and the local production of nutritious foods, in order to ensure that by 2028 the Government and other development and humanitarian actors are able to purchase locally produced nutritious foods that comply with international food safety and quality assurance standards.

Focus Area

Strategic outcome 5 contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2 and 9. This strategic outcome seeks to enhance national capacities by improving skills and leveraging partnerships to support federal and state- level efforts to address the root causes of food insecurity and malnutrition.

Expected outputs.

Four outputs will contribute to strategic outcome 5:

1. Technical assistance to create the necessary institutional frameworks and enabling environment for food

and nutrition security delivered.

2. Capacity strengthening of federal, state, and local actors to manage safety nets and thus improve food

security, nutritional status, and access to complementary services for vulnerable populations provided.

3. Emergency preparedness and response, vulnerability assessment mapping and early warning systems capacity of national, state, and local actors, including vulnerable groups and food-insecure people developed.

4. Capacity of public and private institutions to support Smallholder farmers value chains, including better food quality and standards and the local production of nutritious food provided.

Key activity: Support the technical capacity of federal, state, and local actors in information management systems, vulnerability assessment and mapping, monitoring and evaluation, safety net management, food technology and fortification, supply chains, nutrition and emergency preparedness and response, integrating gender. Sub-activities that will enable the attainment of the key activity are:

1. NABG will provide technical assistance to federal, state and local institutions, civil society organizations (particularly those working for gender equality and women’s empowerment).

2. NABG will support the Cadre Harmonisé Analysis exercise – the shared institutional framework for the

analysis of acute food insecurity in Nigeria – and will work closely with the food security team in Food

and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP) and the

Ministry of Agriculture.

3. NABG will contribute to national safety nets by sharing expertise on data management, vulnerability-

based targeting and the shock responsiveness of safety nets, bringing relevant national actors together.

4. NABG will facilitate public–private partnerships and provide technical support to relevant national

institutions to improve food quality infrastructure with local food processors, the National Agency for

Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), and the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON).

5. NABG will also support the upgrade and implementation of the framework of national fortification

programmes and provide technical support for the local production of nutritious and fortified food

products, including new commodities such as rice, cowpea, soybean among others.

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