2050 Long-Term Vision for Nigeria

2050 Long-Term Vision for Nigeria

Executive Summary

Nigeria, as one of the signatories to the Paris Agreement (PA), recognises that the transition to low-emission development is indispensable for achieving sustainable economic growth through pathways that yield reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other social, economic, and environmental benefits.
In addition to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that outline climate actions until 2030, the Paris Agreement, under Article 4.19, calls for all Parties to strive to formulate and communicate LT-LEDS, considering common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.
To this end, the Federal Government of Nigeria decided to develop its LT-LEDS as part of her onus to ensure a low-carbon future, with an initial focus on a Long-Term Vision to 2050 for the country. The vision provides a clear sense of direction to all stakeholders for a well-managed transition to a low-carbon economy that grows existing and new sectors, creating new jobs and economic opportunities for the nation.
The vision states that: By 2050, Nigeria is a country of low-carbon, climate-resilient, high- growth circular economy that reduces its current level of emissions by 50%, moving towards having net-zero emissions across all sectors of its development in a gender-responsive manner.
It is hoped that this vision will promote sustainable development and guarantee a climate-proofed economic development through multi-stakeholder engagement, especially as Nigeria is also engaged in developing Medium-Term (2021-2025) and Long-Term (Agenda 2050) national development plans. It is also expected to lay a solid foundation for Nigeria to contribute to the global objective of climate neutrality, and to be a climate-resilient society with a knowledge-driven economy that is globally competitive and compliant with Africa’s Agenda 2063, as well as enable the country to play its leadership role in Africa effectively.
The Federal Government of Nigeria will now build on this initial long-term vision to develop a full long-term strategy.

National Climate change Policy

National Climate change Policy



Scientific evidences are conclusive that the earth is warming and climates are changing with serious and potentially damaging consequences. Climate change is aggravating the environmental issues such as deforestation and land degradation, freshwater shortage, food security and air and water pollution. Projected increases in extreme climatic events as well as more changes in the weather patterns may further threaten the means of livelihoods in the face of inaction.
In Nigeria, the agriculture and food security, water resources, public health, and settlements sectors are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Most vulnerable regions are coastal regions and erosion and desertification-prone areas in the southeastern and northern parts of the country respectively. While everyone is vulnerable, the most vulnerable groups are farmers, fisherfolks, the elderly, women, children and poor people living in urban areas.
Responding to climate change falls into two broad classes of action, mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation refers to measures that may either reduce the increase in greenhouse emissions (abatement) or increase terrestrial storage of carbon (sequestration). Adaptation refers to all the responses that may be used to reduce vulnerability.1
Nigeria has taken the challenge of climate change seriously. The First National Communication was produced in November, 2003. A stakeholders’ initiation workshop on the Second National Communication (SNC) took place in December 2009, and is being finalized and a National Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (NASPA) has been concluded. Nigeria now has a Climate Change Department (CCD) in the Federal Ministry of Environment in Abuja, Nigeria. The CCD is created to implement the Climate Convention and protocol activities. It also coordinates the activities of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change.
Nigeria already has several policies and strategic initiatives which if properly implemented, can serve as adaptive as well as mitigative climate change measures. Many of the initiatives in these policies (e.g. oases rehabilitation in the National Action to Combat Desertification and the National Policy on Drought and Desertification) can be taken as anticipatory adaptation measures and plans, which can be fine-tuned into policy options for climate change response in the country. This comprehensive policy and response strategy will enable these policies to translate into meaningful inter-sectoral activities for sustainable environmental management.

National Climate Change Policy for Nigeria

National Climate Change Policy for Nigeria


Nigeria, like many parts of the world, is experiencing climate change. In particular, the country is becoming warmer. Various studies show that annual and seasonal timescales indicate a significant positive increase in temperatures in Nigeria. They show that mean temperatures have been consistently increasing throughout the country in the last five decades and have been rising significantly since the 1980s, with a change of 1.01°C (0.52 to 1.5°C) in the linear warming for the period 1951 – 2005. The linear warming for the same period for 30-year averages on a decadal slice further revealed positive changes in temperature by an average of 0.2°C/decade.

The mean annual variability and trend of rainfall over Nigeria in the last few decades depict the existence of a number of inter-annual fluctuations that have been responsible for dry and wet years or extreme climate events such as droughts and floods in many parts of the country and at different times.
The year More worrisome is the increasing knowledge that the country will be subject to consistent changes in rainfall and temperature conditions, particularly towards the end of the century. Recent analysis of anticipated future climatic trends for the country, as captured in the Third National Communication, indicates that for 2050 and 2070, the minimum temperature increase could range from 1.48°C to 1.78°C and the maximum temperature increase of about +3.08°C to +3.48°C compared to the baseline of 1990. A general increase in the number of days of rain and days with extreme rainfall events that may generate floods are projected over most ecological zones of the country except in the northeast Sahel zone, where the scenario analysis suggests fewer extreme events related to rainfall and flooding.

Climate change is a complex environmental problem because of its long-term uncertain time- frame, scales of occurrence, differential impacts and vulnerabilities, as well as equity and justice within the global power asymmetries. For instance, the impacts of climate change are already driving people back into poverty and undermining growth. Beyond recognizing the potential devastating effects of climate change on the socio-economic and environmental development of the country and implications for the well-being of the populace, the Government of Nigeria intends to strengthen its management of climate-related development challenges through an appropriate policy and institutional arrangements that will not only mainstream climate change into its development priorities, but also encourage the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions at all levels of governance for climate compatible sustainable development.
